Katie Clark

Katie Clark

Madison, MS

Fiber / Crochet Accessories

Guild member since 2013

Like so many before her, Katie learned to crochet from her mother. She learned the basics stitches, then continued to learn from books, diagrams, and experimentation, with a deep appreciation for the rich tradition in crochet. Katie is inspired by the variety of techniques crochet offers with the simplicity of only a few stitches, and she continues to be inspired to try something new with every book she picks up. With new discoveries come more ideas about how to fuse them with other techniques. Katie strives pass the appreciation for tradition and the innovative possibilities of crochet on to other people in hopes that they will recognize the artistic value of crochet, from the choice of pattern- traditional or inventive- to the choice of colors and fiber textures.


Freda Clark-Brent


Sam Clark