Billy Joe Whitehead

Starkville, MS


Belts, Wallets, Etc.

Guild member since 2006

In 1989, Billy Joe wanted a tooled leather guitar strap; that was the beginning of his leatherworking career. He had always enjoyed making things with his hands- woodworking, hand drawing, metal engraving, flint knapping- so he felt confident he could do this. After completing the strap, since he now owned the tools, he made guitar straps for his ‘pickin’ buddies. Before long, he was creating leathercrafts to sell at craft fairs. He spends hours hand carving pictures and hand crafting custom items for customers. Being a member of the Craftsmen’s Guild of Mississippi has inspired Billy Joe to do his best leather work by getting to know other guild members, by broadening my customer base, and believing in himself and his work.


Kit White


Claire Whitmore